LED Long Square Bench
Brand: Mil Risas
Manufacturer: Colorfuldeco
Colorfuldeco’s LED long square bench is a piece of transformative furniture. It can serve as an extra seat and accent lighting. But you may also use it as a small table, your best bet if there’s no more square footage to walk on. With its sophisticated design, it can make any lackluster space Instagrammable.
Categories Glow Furniture, LED Stool
LED Long Square Bench
A sleek LED Long Square Bench is versatile furniture you can rotate in the different corners of your home. Its lighting effect and polyethylene material make it more adaptable, even outdoors. There are several options and uses for the cube bench seat, but here are a few tips on where you can place your LED bench.
Multifunctional Bench
For homes with a foyer or entry space, you may place the long square led bench tucked against the wall beside shoe storage to serve as a comfortable changing area. Usually, before going inside the house, we switch from shoes to slippers. This LED long square bench offers help to prevent people from getting out of balance as they change.
LED Outdoor Light Furniture
The square bench has an inbuilt led light appropriate for an outdoor setting. So, whether you place it in your garden, balcony, or pathway, it can turn your space into a cozy and refreshing scenery perfect for relaxation and a quick escape.
An Indoor Home Decor
Proper lighting can reduce stress, so improve your mood by using the LED bench at the end of your bed. With its color-changing settings, you may create a relaxing atmosphere that can help you get quality sleep. It also helps that it uses modern LED lights, which do not emit heat.
It is also good stuff to use as your dreamy window seat. If you love reading, then you need to have this! It is durable and can carry your weight. So, with a soft cushion on top, you have just created your personal alcove. Enjoy the scenery as you unwind.
With its flat surfaces, the LED long square bench is also suitable to be an LED coffee table. It can produce soft and intimate lights and won’t take up much space in your room.
Length: 122 cm.
Width: 45 cm.
Height: 45 cm.
Weight: 13 kg. or 28.66 lbs.
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